Past event


Dear friends,

You are warmly invited to a weekend hiking retreat at Storrington Priory in the South Downs, to take a breath, reflect on our lives and (re)connect with nature, friends & God.
👉All details in the flyers attached
Flyers 1
Flyers 2

What? A 2-day retreat with a hike in the gorgeous South Downs, prayer, talks but also chill/fun time to meet & connect with friends 🥳
Who? For young adults – whether you are Christian or on a journey towards faith, you are welcome!
Where? With the Chemin Neuf Community, at Our Lady of England Priory, Storrington, South Downs.
When? From Sat. 18th March (10am) to Sunday19th March (4pm).

Registrations (limited places):
👉 To register, please fill out this form:


Saturday 18th March (10 am) to Sunday 19th March (4pm)


Participants are invited to contribute to the cost within a range of £70-90 according to personal circumstances.

Money shouldn’t be a hindrance – Contact us if you have some difficulties.


Click on the contact button if you have any questions