Service for Unity,
Thursday, October, 28th, 2021
The strength of what unites all of us as Christians is supremely important
The strength of what unites all of us as Christians is supremely important. We can be so attentive to what divides us that at times we no longer appreciate or value what unites us. All of us, as Christians, are united by faith in God, the Father who gives us life and loves us so greatly.
We are united by faith in Jesus Christ, the one Saviour, who set us free by His precious blood and His glorious resurrection.
We are united by our desire for his word that guides our steps.
We are united by the fire of the Spirit, who sends us forth on mission.
We are united by the new commandment that Jesus left us, by the pursuit of the civilisation of love and by passion for the Kingdom that the Lord calls us to build with Him.
We are united by the conviction that not everything ends with this life, but that we are called to the heavenly banquet, where God will wipe away every tear and take up all that we did for those who suffer.
All this unites us. How can we not struggle together ? How can we not pray and work together, side by side, to defend the poor …, to show the sacred countenance of the Lord, and to care for His work of creation ?
Pope Francis, Querida Amazonia, 108-110
Prepared by our brothers and sisters from Melleray Abbey, France
To be used as appropriate
1. On World Health Day on October 16th, th Ecumenical Council of Churches invited us to pray and take action against hunger which affects 800 million people worlwide and threatens the development of many children.
Lord, help every Christian to work for a fairer health system and a sharing of resources with the most vulnerable.
2. From November 15th – 18th the meeting of delegates for ecumenism in France will be held in Lyon with the theme ‘Reading the Bible Together’. We believe that communal reading of the Bible is fundamental to the unity of Christians since Holy Scripture itself has a unity shaped by diversity.
Lord, bless this time of meeting together ecumenically. May your Holy Spirit guide and inspire the participants. May your Word increasingly be a source of Unity for your Church.
3. On Saturday November 20th the World Youth Day of the diocese of Nantes will take place : a time fellowship for young people, of street evangelism, and a prayer vigil with many other steps proposed.
Lord, come and prepare for this meeting ; come and give these young people the joy of encountering you and of witnessing to your love.