Office for Christian Unity
Thursday 23 May 2024
“Without the Holy Spirit, God is far away, Christ remains in the past…” by Metropolitan Ignatios of Latakia (1920-2012)
“Without the Holy Spirit, God is far away, Christ remains in the past, the Gospel is a dead letter, the Church a mere organisation, authority a domination, mission a propaganda, worship an evocation, and Christian action a slave’s morality. But in Him: the cosmos is lifted up and groans in the birth of the Kingdom, the Risen Christ is there, the Gospel is the power of life, the Church signifies Trinitarian communion, authority is a liberating service, mission is Pentecost, the liturgy is memorial and anticipation, and human action is deified.
A prayer given to the World Council of Churches in Upsal in 1968 by Metropolitan Ignatios of Latakia (1920-2012), also known as Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch.
Prepared by the brothers and sisters from Brazil
To be adapted according to your location
Most Holy Father, God of heaven and earth, you who are the source of Love, teach us to love as you love: by giving, by choosing to see the other as your beloved creature and not an enemy. Help us in particular so that our Churches work together for your kingdom.
Lord Jesus Christ, you who are the source of salvation, heal the ears of our hearts so that we may listen to your call to draw near to you and remain in you. Through your presence and your grace, may we live in friendship and unity with our brothers and sisters.
Lord Holy Spirit, you who are the breath of life, you who rekindle hope in our hearts, come down upon us and set us in motion. Come and inspire us to console, in particular, all those suffering from the floods in southern Brazil. Through our acts of solidarity, may people see the face of Christ who is with them.