Service for Christian Unity,
Thursday, February,24th, 2022


Reconciliation Ambassadors

Reconciliation extends to a broader level: Christians constitute the Body of Christ; the body is intended to express the person outwardly; the Body of Christ is intended to express that Christ wants to reconcile all of humanity. From then on, every Christian, however helpless, is sent by Christ among others as an ambassador of reconciliation. And then we discover that, for us, seeking reconciliation in our fraternal life prepares us to become ambassadors of reconciliation in the Church and in the world. […]
The first call to all is to open a window to the God of reconciliation through our mere existence. Some communities take on this vocation in a radical and even exclusive way. Others are ambassadors of reconciliation through their pastoral ministry or their social commitment. […]
Christ sends us with our fragile humanity to heal the wounds of division and violence. Go to the other, sometimes empty-handed, listen, try to understand; and already a blocked situation can be transformed. Person-to-person encounters are irreplaceable.
To be ambassadors of reconciliation is to communicate the life of Christ, but also to receive the gifts that God has placed in others. Reconciliation is an exchange of gifts. This is true for reconciliation between Christians. Pope Francis expressed this admirably when he wrote: “[In the encounter] it is not only a question of receiving information about others in order to know them better, but of reaping what the Spirit has sown in them as a gift also for us. »

Brother Alois, Prior of the Community of Taizé, November 13th, 2016


Prepared by our brothers and sisters in Democratic Republic of Congo

To be used as appropriate

1 / The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity brought together this year five Churches of the small village of MENKAO and a team composed of two representatives of each Church was put in place. Its main mission is to reflect and propose ecumenical activities. Thus, on Wednesday February 16, a day of formation and sharing on ecumenism took place.
Lord, thank you for this path of unity that You are opening in this village. We entrust to you the work and the projects of this team which it has submitted to the leaders of the Churches. Send your Spirit so that every Christian feels concerned by this call to unity, here in MENKAO and everywhere in the world.

2/ For more than 25 years, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has suffered from wars and deadly violence in the east of the country. The massacre of the civilian population continues. More than 110,000 people are forced to move to flee the war.
Lord, You ask us to love one another. May your true love cross the heart of everyone involved in this violence, so that peace returns to this part of the country. Send your Spirit to reign Your peace and Your justice.

3/ Different Christian Churches are present in the DRC. The meetings between these different Churches take place mainly during the week of prayer for Christian Unity. There are many other new, so-called “Revival” Churches that are not part of these times of meeting.
Lord, we thank you for this Week of Prayer for Unity and the powerful moments shared by the Churches of Congo. May your Spirit help us reach the Christians who still hesitate to participate in these fraternal meetings. Open our eyes so that we can recognize and reap what You have sown in every community.