Service for Christian Unity,
Thursday, May, 27th, 2021


Let God’s voice speak to our hearts

Lord Ian Ernest, Roma’s Anglican Center Director

We shall find once again the final expression of what we are, as we live in a community of life, faith and love.  This community finds its strength in God, source of all love.  We become what we are when we accept to live with others, despite our differences.   Aren’t we committed to love ourselves and to love others like God loves us?   In this way we shall accomplish the ministry of reconciliation, that is when we recognize in others Christ’s image.   Jesus is the perfect example and he is the incarnation of the ministry of reconciliation.   Totally human but One with God, Jesus choose to stand up to embarrassing situations, to misunderstandings, to rejection and to scorn.   All these things tarnish human relationships, but He takes the risk to become vulnerable to put right our state of vulnerability, cracks and breaking off.
When the desire to come close to others is aroused within us, without fear and in complete freedom, we then honor God’s mystery.   In silence, we do not look for understanding, but simply for the recognition of God’s mystery that is love for oneself and love for the other.   So as to become true ambassadors we have to pray for those who are different from us: reconciliation takes place not because of us but because of God.  God calls us to an emotional honesty with ourselves and with others.   Let God’s voice, which is love speak to our hearts.

Extract from the exhortation by Lord Ian Ernest, Mauritian and Roma’s Anglican Center Director, on the occasion of “Just the beginning’s festival”, in Grand Baie, on 25th July 2019


Prepared by our brothers and sisters from Mauritius Island.

To adapt according to the place of worship

1/On Mauritius island, an Ecumenical Council, gathering people in charge of different Churches ( Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal and Evangelical) signed in 2010 a charter of good understanding.
Lord we entrust to you the next meeting in July: may decisions lean towards opening to other Churches, with honest and merciful concerns as regard to sensitive questions.

2/ Next October in the south of the island an ecumenical space is planned, it will be accessible to all who seek to know the other better and who want to train in ecumenism.  Chemin Neuf Community is particularly invested in that weekend preparation.
May your spirit stir up in everyone the desire to participate to this retreat so as to turn together towards You and work fervently for the unity You desire for your Church

3/On this Pentecost Saturday, the International Service for the catholic charismatic renewal “CHARIS”, organized an on line evening gathering, with brothers and sisters from other churches.
May you continue to set ablaze the hearts, which seek the unity of your Body.   Grant us to be able to love as you wish.   Give us to enter into your immense desire that all may be one.   May we long to answer this prayer.