Each year the week of prayer for Christian Unity is from the 18th to the 25th of January.
We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him
Matthew 2:2
This is the theme for this year. It’s about choosing to live this week as a ‘kairos’, allowing God to lead us to a turning point on this question of unity.
As such, the Chemin Neuf Community team working on ecumenism will lead us through the week to discover the treasure of our Church: Oriental Churches, Orthodox Churches, the Catholic Church, Reformed Churches, the Anglican Communion, Evangelical Churches and Pentecostal Churches.
Each video will contain the following elements: a specific tradition’s history, where they are found today, how they are structured, their ‘treasure’ and important figures.
Additionally, you will be able to hear testimonies from couples with different traditions between them, theologians, missionaries and much more!
For more information and to view the videos when they are released, visit our CheminNeuf NetForGod YouTube channel here.
Also the Chemin Neuf Community in Sussex is organising an ecumenical week-end the 22nd and 23rd of January with the question : Hope for the visible unity of the Church?
To know more about this week-end click here